Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend at Shannon's and Bill's - Part 2

Thanksgiving weekend wouldn't be complete without some "Black Friday" shopping. While that was going on, Bill helped me tackle a balky furnace - just wouldn't come on at all. I had gotten info from a couple of different techies that it was most likely a faulty sensor which, of course, was hidden deep inside the guts of the unit. With Bill's help, we got to the little devil and pulled it out for testing. Of course, it seemed to be working just fine. So after putting the whole mess back together (you understand, my job was passing the tools to Bill) we turned it on and it WORKED. Must have only needed a little TLC. But the whole project DID keep us out of the shopping frenzy.

Then it was back to their house and a short stroll down to the beach with Bill's wagon loaded to the top. (He's going to build sideboards for it soon.) That's it next to me - I don't think I'm dressed for surfing. (WOW is that the Unibomber behind that smile???)

The three kids were decked out in their wet suits, ready to try out their boogie boards in the surf. Couldn't get any shots of them doing their thing with the sun right behind them. (Never used to have that problem on a Florida afternoon.)

But we still got some memorable views of brother and sister.

And mother and son feeding Ritz crackers to the seagulls. Not thirteen yet and already taller than Mom.

From these pics you can tell that Jan's and my blood is still Florida thin. But it's still worthwhile bundling up to fight the chilly winds and getting sand in your pistachios!

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