Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend at Shannon's and Bill's, Part 1

Finally we arrive at Shannon's and Bill's house Thanksgiving morning. Bill's daughter Brianna and Shannon's two kids, Austin and Emily (all the way from Ft Lauderdale) are here too. We haven't seen Austin and Em since October of last year, so it's great to be with them again. (This is the only downside to being on the road all the time.) The coach is in an RV park only a few miles down the road, so we can spend almost every waking moment of the next three days enjoying their company.

Great eats, of course. Everybody pitches in - it is a family thing, after all. We bring sausage balls (Bisquik, cheddar, and hot sausage) to go with the mimosas and brandy and cofffee, while we finish up the preparations. We are going for a Honeybaked ham this year instead of a roasted Tom, but all the trimming are present and accounted for.

There's always time for father and daughter to remind us of what family get togethers are all about.

Out on the balcony, even the two labs get in on the act.

The kids take a break for some street time. It's great that they're so close in age. Austin will be a teenager on New Years Day. Brie will soon be 12, and Emily is 10 (10 1/2 she'll tell you.)

Almost there. Can everyone please sit? Looks like the kids are ready.

Uh oh. Do I have mashed potatoes on my chin. And how did Austin manage to get his mug in the frame?


  1. This is GREAT!!!! You made me giggle at the end :) Thanks guys for capturing the moments. xoxo S

  2. AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Thanks for making Thanksgiving so special!!! Cool shots, even Sammie and Bailey look good!


  4. Oh my gosh its only 8:00 and it feels like ten!!!

    -Brie and S

  5. O it'll be fun waking up in the morning ugh i hate school i have to be at my school at 7 tomorrow morning and i usually get up at six........ it doesn't look like that will be happening tomorrow i will have to get up at 5 in the morning!!!


    P.S.= I love the gift certificate thank you!!! =)

  6. And that is what it is all about!
