Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Joining the RVing Parade

The trip to the Keys was intended to include renewing one of our longest running boating friendships - Skip and Faith onboard Endeavor. (The timing of the visit coincided with their return from the Bahamas.) But a few weeks before we arrived, we heard from Faith that they were relocating to a marina on the Florida Gulf coast near Apollo Beach. (And we thought our planning was so clever!)

After twenty years onboard together - we first met them in Marathon in 1998 - Skip and Faith have decided to "swallow the anchor" by selling their beautiful 43-foot sailboat, and buying an RV to stay mobile during part of each year, and to search for the right place to invest in property. Faith told us that our success in transitioning from boating to RVing and our excitement over this new lifestyle has convinced even Skip , a 30-year liveaboarder, to seriously look at this option.

The move from liveaboard boating to full-time RVing is not uncommon. We have met many in our travels during the past five years.

Bill and Josie

                         and Guy and Carole

to name a couple - two couples, actually. 

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