Saturday, September 5, 2009

Visiting Some of Vancouver's Parks

One of the things that makes Vancouver such a desirable city in which to live is the dedication of so much of the city's real estate to public spaces. Vancouver's location on the Pacific Ocean and two major waterways - Fraser River and Burrard Inlet - gives it miles of shoreline, much of it used for parks and park-like settings (i.e. University of British Columbia.)

We visited Burnaby Mountain Park with wonderful views of the city and inlet below, statuary, and gardens. The park is the setting for many special events as public as concerts and as private as weddings.

Then it was on to Stanley Park on a large peninsula jutting into the inlet near downtown. It is a haven in the heart of the city encircled by a wide paved jogging/biking trail at the water's edge, with old-growth forests of huge cedars and firs, the city aquarium, yacht and rowing clubs, Native American exhibits, flower gardens, and large picnic areas.

We even had time to hunt for a geocache. Another wonderful day with friends.

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