Saturday, August 8, 2009

Small Towns

Our blog bears witness to the extraordinary luck we have experienced with the weather. But we knew we would be pushing our good fortune here in the area that's the poster child for foggy, rainy days. Well, we're living it now.

But when you can't see (or even find) the mountains, we still have the seaside towns to enjoy. For the past week, that has included Sequim, Port Angeles, and Port Townsend, all small ports on the Washington coast of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Ownership of much of the area has reverted to the many tribes of Native Americans who have populated the region for a thousand years. This not only means casinos galore, but also examples of Native American art. Hundreds of intricately carved totems (here they refer to them as house or lodge poles) dot the countryside.

Lots of fun just roaming around by car and on foot. Lots of charm for us tourists, especially in Port Townsend. Hundred year-old homes of wealthy fishing fleet and lumber barons. Coffee shops and sidewalk serenades. Deer wandering the neighborhoods.

Checked out the ferries for later trips to British Columbia (from Port Angeles) and Whidbey Island (from Port Townsend.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you are still seeing what you can, given the fog... Still 'looks' like you are having a great time, a great blog!
