Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Visit to a Gourd Farm???

A fulltime RV lifestyle includes lots of sightseeing (if you're lucky) with a liberal helping of hikes and climbs in the "outback", and lots of kicking back and serious relaxing (if you're lucky,) but having some hobbies helps keep the mind sharp and the eyes focused. Jan has been doing beautiful Swedish weaving projects, and I've been trying to get going on some artwork. Last winter, we looked into some woodburning and woodcrafting activities. Surfing the web, Jan discovered beautiful examples of intricate patterns scribed on the surface of dried gourds. Well, where can we lay our hands on some of these gourds? As it turns out, not in the Texas valley. The best source is a gourd farm in Southern California, from where they can be sent directly to you for a king's ransom in shipping costs.

All this preamble gets us to the point of this blog post. Here we are in Southern California at one of our "free" parks near the town of Temecula, and only a few miles from THE GOURD FARM. Can we plan things, or what?? A short drive through the avocado groves (thousands of hillside acres) and we were at the source - table after table of cleaned and natural gourds in all shapes and sizes. We picked a dozen or more, plus some patterns, inks and paints, and how-to books. We're all ready get creative.

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