Sunday, June 29, 2014

Big Bend National Park

Well, I could pretend that it is the next morning, but it's actually three weeks later and we are well down the road. It's not like I haven't had time to keep you up-to-date. Like in grade school -  I get an "X" in self discipline. So.....

We are off to Big Bend National Park, about 65 miles to the park headquarters. When we arrived we were greeted with an unlikely scene in the parking lot - about fifteen or twenty new or like-new Corvettes. Turns out the Corvette Club of California was on a "Tromping Thru Texas 2014" rally. Bet the Visitor Center has never had so much money in the parking area at one time.

We explained our limited time and a very nice ranger recommended a route down to the river , the Rio Grande, through some beautiful country, to Santa Elena Canyon, then back to the highlight of the park, the Chisos Mountains and lodge.

Our doubts about how Big Bend might measure up to our other experiences were misplaced. Lots to see and marvel at, even on so short a visit. In the fall/winter or winter/spring, the hiking and canoe/kayak adventures along the Rio Grande would be a real kick. The 100+ temps kept us from even walking down to the river's edge.

We finished up our visit with a drive up to the Chisos Lodge for lunch - a cool 91 up here at 6000 feet.

When we returned to the Marathon Motel and RV Park, we had time for a cocktail, and a stroll around their very nice garden area.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hot Stuff Along Interstate 10

Left home a week ago today, and tonight we are camped in Marathon, TX, about 50 miles north of the entrance to Big Bend National Park, which has been one of our targets since we began our camping adventures. We have been this close a number of times before, but there's always been a reason to "skip it this time." So tomorrow we'll see if our efforts now will be rewarded. With all the incredible sights we have seen over the past 8 1/2 years, Big Bend has a lot to measure up to.

The common theme this last week has been "HOT!" We started out in Yuma/Algodones for a couple of nights to get eyeglasses and meds in one of our favorite Mexican border towns. 108 degrees both days. Then it was on to Deming, NM after an overnight in a little park in Marana, just west of Tucson. 106 degrees. We were in Deming for three nights - two non-travel days, one spent touring and one spent doing nothing (we call it a "lay day.") 105 and 107 and 107 degrees.

Our touring day took us north of Deming on a 200-mile loop to the City of Rocks State Park, Silver City - lunch at Jalisco's, - and the Gila Cliff Dwellings.

While at Gila, we met Jeff and Donna Cooney, recent members at Jojoba (now members at Saguaro SKP Park in Benson, AZ) who had started that very day as Park volunteers. (Only 93 degrees at the caves.)

Then on to Texas - Van Horn - needing to take care of some "business" on our first trip back to TX in four years. State Vehicle Inspection stickers are required on all TX-registered vehicles when traveling the roads in the state. We planned to stay in Van Horn, arriving early enough to get the Jam and the HHR inspected, then on to an RV park for the night before setting off for Big Bend the following day (today. - Have I lost you yet, or are you just losing interest.) Weeell, turns out my scheduling put us there on a Sunday, and the town's only inspection station was closed.

So we decide to mosey (I'm already getting Texafied) on down I10 about 50 miles to one of the nicest $10/night RV stops you ever hope to find - our third time there - right off the highway (108 degrees,) get an early start in the morning for Fort Stockton - another 50 miles - and get those pesky stickers at a station we've used before. Yee Hah! (see?) We pull in at 0845 to get in line. The friendly mechanic reminds us that we'll need our "proof of insurance"  for both vehicles in order to get inspected. (Can you see where this is leading?) Turns out Dave has forgotten to put the latest copies of those documents in the glove compartments. A few phone calls and a trip to the local Progressive agent's office later, we have the necessary poop in hand and by noon we are totally legal (?) and on our way. Whew! BTW, big thanks to the Ft Stockton Progressive agent office for their timely help.

So here we are at the Marathon Motel and RV Park, actually a nice place, watching info about the heat advisory for this area.