Hard to believe that it's been three years since my last post, but it also seems like forever. In defense of my absence, this has always been intended as a travel blog - you know, "Jan and Dave's Excellent Adventure." Since we've done almost no traveling over a week or more, it hardly seemed notable enough to bother you followers. But, believe it or not, we are on our way for a 4-5 month journey now - I'm even posting this on day 6 - so it's time to bring you up-to-date.
Our life at Jojoba has been marvelous, and we'll miss it and our new "home" of a year terribly as we make our way in a "new" travel rig. Over the past three years we've had some changes in our immediate family, losing our beloved Sunny after twenty years, and gaining and losing cute Mr. O'Malley after only 5 months, a rescue we barely had time to get to know. We've also had changes to our immediate surroundings, with the trade-in of our 36' Dolphin motorhome for a 35' Palisades 5th-wheel and a 24' Jamboree class C motorhome. The 5th-wheel stays put, and the "Jam" is a more practical rig for non-full-time travel. We'll see how this works out - and you will too.
With the addition of a golf cart, a gazebo, and about 200 or 300 close friends, we've made Jojoba Hills and Temecula, CA into our best place EVER, and we hope each and every one of you can come visit us here. You can even take a video tour at our terrific website, jojobahills.com. Wouldn't trade it for the world. After three
more years in an RV, it continues to be the best and most economical lifestyle - for us, at least.
Last week, we put the finishing touches on the Jam, and packed it up to go. We are heading first for San Antonio and a son-David-and-family "fix" and then up through the heartland to visit friends in Wisconsin and Michigan followed by seeing parts of Minnesota, South Dakota, and Colorado before heading back here sometime in October.
We'd love to have you follow along with us.